
A smooth feeling

LYCON enjoys a well deserved international reputation as the crème de la crème of depilatory waxes and is the wax of choice in top spas and salons in over 70 countries. Formulated with the finest resins, pure beeswax, sensuous aromatherapy and natural plant oils, LYCON is the world leader in quality waxes which deliver superior results!

The wax we use removes stubborn hair as short as 1mm. At the same time it provides a nurturing and skin conditioning treatment for client comfort, on even the most sensitive skin. Even the most finest hair can be removed effectively. The application of the pre-waxing oil before and during waxing makes waxing safe and virtually painless. Depending on skin type and waxing area there is a big range of waxes to choose from. The skin feels smooth, and silky soft.

Brasilian Waxing – the Trend!

Following the airing of the successful sitcom „Sex and the City“, it became clear that TV-shows are not only trendsetters in the fashion stakes, but also in the area of lifestyle. One such trend is Brazilian Waxing!

The wax we use removes stubborn hair as short as 1mm. At the same time it provides a nurturing and skin conditioning treatment for client comfort, on even the most sensitive skin. Even the most finest hair can be removed effectively. The application of the pre-waxing oil before and during waxing makes waxing safe and virtually painless. Depending on skin type and waxing area there is a big range of waxes to choose from. The skin feels smooth, and silky soft.

For women with ingrown hair we offer the sensational Ingrown-X-IT Spray. A breakthrough spray formula with salicylic acid, lactic acid, allantoin and arnica which mildly exfoliates, decongests and helps minimise the apprearance and discomfort of ingrown hairs.

What minimum lenghth do the hair have to show?

The wax delivers superior results, removing stuborn hair as short as 1mm.

How long do the results last?

Depending on skin type and hair type the skin feels smooth, and silky soft for three to six weeks. The effect prolonges the more you wax.

What can I do to achieve a long-term satisfied result?

Apply a peeling on weekly basis to prevent hair from growing in.

Is my skin irritated after waxing?

Slightly reddening could appear after waxing. When required you can apply a skin care product to calm down the skin.

What do I wear after waxing?

Comfortable, loose clothing.

Don'ts for 12-24 hours after Lycon waxing?
  • Do not apply perfumed products (e.g. deodorant under your armpits) on the areas treated
  • hot bath & shower
  • sun bathing, solarium, spray tanning, swimming or sports
  • touch the treated area excessively, or have sex

Prices include 20% tax and are in €

Waxing up to knee                                 26.--
Waxing complete legs 47.--
Armpits 18.--
Arms 28.--
Private Parts:  
Bikini 19.--
Bikini tanga 24.--
Brazilian strip 29.--
Brazilian triangle 40.--
Brazilian landing strip 40.--
Brazilian hollywood cut 40.--
Bum crack 16.--
Buttocks 21.--


Book your beauty program now

We looking forward to treating you!

We would be happy to take your booking appointment by phone
Tue-Fri.: 9-20 under 01 512 34 31 or you can also book via
our online booking calender.

Should your desired appointment not be available online
pls give us a call.

TIP: To save you time, have a look at the online calender
and check your desired appointment time and give us a call.
That way you don't have to spend time filling out the form.